
Your testimonials mean the world to me and help me grow my business when I post them on my website and social media!

If you have purchased my art or taken an art class or workshop, please leave a review on Google My Business.

I would love to have a book review on Amazon!

For Reiki sessions and workshops, please email me at LeaK@LeaKArts.com and let me know whether or not I can share your name in the review.  

Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at LeaK@LeaKArts.com

Thank you so much <3

dark-haired woman with her eyes closed and a gentle smile.  Her hands are held up in front of her, on either side of her face, to give Reiki to the viewer

When life feels overwhelming, reiki can help

I am a Karuna™/Holy Fire™ III Reiki Master/Teacher.

I have been studying, practicing and teaching Reiki since 2017 and use it in my art-making and workshops as well as healing sessions. Reiki (RAY-key) is a form of energy healing that promotes stress relief, relaxation and overall well-being. It has made a profound difference in my own life as well as many of my clients and students.

Schedule a distance session

reiki works at a distance

When done in person, a Reiki practitioner will gently place their hands on you and send you healing energy. Incredibly, Reiki also works from anywhere in the world. At this time I am offering distance sessions via zoom. All you need is a quiet place to lay comfortably for about an hour--a bed, couch, or recliner is perfect--with a place to set your phone or laptop for our zoom session. You do not even need to be on screen!

Sessions and workshops


Do you offer retreats and workshops? Reiki is a wonderful addition to other healing modalities as well as art, music and creative endeavors. It supports rest & relaxation and promotes healing.

Add Reiki to your retreat or workshop. I offer beautiful group sessions that are not limited by how many people attend. For rates and questions, contact me at LeaK@LeaKArts.com


I also host art & reiki workshops and teach reiki classes.

Be sure to sign up for my email list (at the bottom of the page) to keep up with my offerings.

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