Teaching Reiki

Teaching is so exhausting for this introvert...but SO WORTH IT! 

On Friday I got to teach level I Reiki to another incredible group of people.  The day was perfect.  Each woman who showed up complemented the next--it always seems to work out this way.  There are even times when I only have one student, and it still is perfect because that person needed a more personalized day. 

We all pulled an oracle card at the beginning of the day and I had to add them to the altar because each card represented a beautiful facet of having a reiki practice: Meditation, Peace, Play, Intuition, and Gratitude (pulled from Nicole Piar's Spirit Cats deck). 

Reiki level I is really all about healing yourself.  You gain the ability to channel reiki healing energy through a process called a placement, which is facilitated by a Holy Fire™ Reiki Master (me!).  At level I you can use it for self-healing, which I think is extremely important not just for the world we live in and improving our personal lives, but to be in a better place before moving on to the more intense energies of level II.  At level I you can practice on loved ones as well, plus pets and plants and you can use it in other creative ways throughout your day. 

At level II you can become a professional practitioner if you choose, or use it professionally with other healing modalities.  Not everyone who chooses to take level II uses it professionally, however, and that is more than okay!  At level II you are able to use 3 special symbols which empower your reiki and allow you to send it at a distance, as well as use it for specific emotional issues.  So healing yourself with level I before moving on to this makes a lot of sense.

I also teach Master level, but I'll write about that another time because it will take a whole post :)  Friday's class was level I and I can't wait to see how these beautiful humans use it in their lives.


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