Back to the Studio
This morning I am feeling a profound sense of a fresh start as I step into my studio for the first time in several weeks.
I took December off because it has become a month of grieving for me, having lost someone every year for 3 years, including my husband. It is still too soon for me to have commitments to other people in that month; I never know if I will be capable of showing up in the way that I am needed.
But today the sun is shining, my daughter is back in school after winter break, and my studio is ready for me. The warmth of the candles on my studio altar reflects the warmth in my heart as I perform my daily ritual of tarot cards, self-reiki and meditation. My hand feels just a little rusty as I write in my studio journal and then sketch a new painting.
Excitement settles in my bones as I prepare for the year ahead. I have so much to share with you. This is what my purpose is; this is where I belong.